As you know, in February 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the Regulation "On awarding gold and silver medals to talented graduates of secondary educational institutions and academic lyceums".
According to the document, the gold medal is awarded to graduates of the 11th grade who have a certificate with honors from the 9th grade, grades "excellent" on all final control papers, as well as on the results of quarters and academic years in all subjects for grades 10-11, exemplary behavior and active participation in public life. The silver medal is awarded to graduates of the 11th grade who have a certificate with honors from the 9th grade, "excellent" grades in all subjects at the end of grades 10-11, exemplary behavior and active participation in public life.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, 9821 graduates of secondary schools were awarded medals, 7,183 of whom received gold and 2,638 silver medals.
It should be noted that at the end of the academic year, 2810 graduates of the 11th grades became university students ahead of schedule.
Recall that in the 2020-2021 academic year, 437,761 graduates graduated from secondary schools.